Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Trip to Nana's and Pawpaw's House ~ ~ Longest post EVER!!!

My kids have been counting down the days for our summer MS trip!!
The night before we left, Jackson started complaining with an ear ache and he NEVER complains! I called a friend of ours who is a Dr and I ran him out so he could check his ear...
Swimmer's Ear ~ EXACTLY what I thought...I swear I could be a doctor! ;)
We got drops that night and waited for him to get better....
We left Tuesday and spent the night at my sister's house in AL ~ it's so nice to be able to break that 10 hour car trip up! He had an AWFUL night at her house...he was up 3 or 4 times crying and could not sleep...we he did he was super restless....I had an oral antibiotic and started him on it on Wednesday...he wouldn't eat, drink, nothing...just pitiful! I asked him if he wanted to go back to GA but he said NO!!!!! HE was going to MS!!!
We got there Wednesday and we pretty much just unpacked and let the kids play. Jax was still not feeling well, so we just hung at Mama's house. She made the BEST cabbage! I love cabbage and it's hard to get "good" cabbage, but this she cooked was amazing!!! She also made a delicious 10 bean soup and fresh snap beans!Nothing like your mama's cooking!
Thursday, we went to the kids FAVORITE place EVER ~ DOLLAR TREE!!! Nana gave them each $10 and they had a BLAST!!! We also went to Wal-Mart to get a slip-n-slide and some baby necessities for our sweet neice who will be here soon!!! Mary Dalton was DETERMINED to wear fake eyelashes, eye shadow, lipstick (it was licked off at this point!), and TONS of jewelry to Dollar Tree....honestly...I was too tired to argue or really even care! Jackson's all nighters were about to do me in!
As long as he had tylenol/motrin he felt "ok" if no one touched his ear...or he didn't bump it. He had so much fun at Dollar Tree and even got his Daddy a gift! :) So sweet!!! Mary Dalton bought some raffle tickets then tried to sell them to us to make money...needless to say that idea got shot down pretty quick! ;)
My mama took Jax to get a doughnut (he said he'd eat that!) and Mary Dalton and I met Reagan and my best friend JJ at South China for lunch! Mary D. is going to spend the night with Reagan this week! I am so glad that they love each other! :)
After lunch, we met Nana, Jackson, and Colton for some bowling! Mary Dalton HATED blowing last year, but she did really good this year!!! It was $1.50 a game, so for $3 they were entertained for an hour!
Another favorite thing about MS is the snowball stands! We don't have these in GA and it's such a treat to get a snowcone!
By this point, Jackson needed more medicine and was feeling pretty bad, so we took him back to Pawpaw and got him some medicine. Mary Dalton, Nana, and I went to see my other best friend, Paige, at her new store! Harper was there and then JJ and Reagan came by, too!!! Love this picture of our 3 girls! We each have a boy too ~ but they weren't there!
I got worried about Jackson not recovering as quickly as I thought he mama called her ENT and they agreed to see him Friday morning. The Dr was so kind and told me he had a horrible case of swimmer's ear, and his other drops weren't strong enough. He told me to keep using the oral meds, gave him a new drop and also suctioned/vacummed his ear out. It sounded HORRIBLE. I could feel my insides turning, but Jackson handled it like a pro and told me it felt so much better after his ear was cleaned out!
I stopped him by the doughnut place on our way home and he brought me a wallet...
he found it in the parking lot. The man was from TX ~ no phone number ANYWHERE in the wallet, but ALL of his credit cards, debit cards, and $300 cash. We waited about 20 mins seeing if he would realize it was missing and come luck. Jackson suggested we google his address...pretty smart...but there are TONS of "chris littles" in TX!!! We went home and called a bussiness card he had and they found him!! He called me and we met him and returned his wallet.
Several people asked me if the man gave Jackson a reward...and he didn't. And I am not sure I would have let him take it if he had. He needs to learn that we do the RIGHT thing, because that's what God would want us to do...and what we would want someone to do for/to us. It was a good experince for him and I was VERY proud of him for never asking to keep the money/wallet ~ but being concerned we  get it back to its owner!
Friday afternoon, Jackson was feeling much better so we took the kids to the arcade at the mall ~ They LOVE an arcade!!! And they get such NICE green vampire teeth! Mama and I got so tickled as Jax said (through his plastic teeth), "Mary D just got junk" ~ ha!
Sister hit the 100 ticket jackpot!!! She was pleased as punch!!!
(How about that cute dress from Wal-Mart for $5!!!)
After our excursion, Pawpaw rode Jackson on his Harley in the field...I hope he will stick to his 4 wheeler for awhile!
The Dr said that althought Jax could not swim, he could slip n slide! Mama gave them the Dawn and they played and played!!!
Friday night, we went to dinner at Roux 61 ~ it was SO good and I ate way too much!!!
We had a GREAT time ~ and the kids fun is just starting!!! They will be there ALL week!!! They could not WAIT for me to leave! ;) Dalton and I will pick them back up next Saturday in AL. I know that they will have a blast and make so many fun memories...and be SO rotten when they come home!
I left Saturday at lunch and stopped at my sister's house. Neither of us had children...this hasn't happend in 17 years!!! We went to dinner and went was so much fun catching up with her! She is so funny and we always have the best time!
I finished teh journey home today...1407 miles round trip!!! I got the car unpacked, got the house straight, laundry going and took a nap! That my friends NEVER HAPPENS!!! And it was was wonderful!!! Dalton and I have some fun things planned this week...and lots of projects too! I have FOUR more days of summer school! I can't wait to FINALL Y start my summer! I want to get my "to do" list done so I will be ready to PLAY with the kids get back!

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