Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week 22~ #dailydowdypic

Day 149...home from MS and not a grocery in the house! We went shopping and Jax got his own personal buggy because he "doesn't care for the diet mess I buy!" 

Day 150...was a hard day at our house. This reminder was on my Pinterest feed and the perfect reminder I needed!

Day 151..Watching it rain before we made a run for it!

Day then POOL TIME!!!
Day 153..two cuties in my pool!

Day 154...celebrated 14 years with this handsome man!!!

Day sweet babies!!!
My taxi shuttle has been in OVERDRIVE this week!!!
Mary Dalton has been going to Summer in the Son ~ A day camp at a local church from 9-2:30 every day. Jackson has been at football camp from 9-12 and basketball from 1-4. They both had sleep overs at our house this week AND Mary Dalton went to dance and math enrichment....not to mention we have done LOTS of this!!!
Mary Dalton will finish her day camp tomorrow. She is skipping today so we can go buy the rest of the things that she needs for camp!!! She leaves on Sunday and is SO excited!
Not sure how Jackson is going to do being left here! Theses two are like peas and carrots ~
I swear they are more like twins. If one isn't here...the other is lost!!!
Well, I am off to get the troops ready for our shopping trip and to enjoy the afternoon by the pool!

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