Sunday, November 8, 2009

Miss Independant ~

Yesterday, the kids and I went to a walk for diabetes ~ our school had a team. I mentioned to them that after the walk we would be going to Target. And of COURSE ~ they asked..."Can we get a toy?" And of COURSE I said, "NO" ~ Fast FWD to Target.

BOTH had been VERY good at the was long and hot....and had behaved so nicely (Plus I knew they had to be hungry) so I told them that they could get a drink and a snack to have on the way home. On the way out, I noticed movies were $3.50 ~ I LOVE a movie...if it means that they are quiet in the car...count me in! And for $3.50 ~ OH YEAH!!! I told them to pick ONE movie that they both agreed on...should have known this would NOT work! ;) MDD wanted Care Bears, JDD wanted Scooby Doo. NEITHER would budge. I asked why each did not want to put their's back and here's what I got: MDD did not Scooby Doo bc it gave her a nightmare last week (this is true) and JDD did not want Care Bears bc it is for girls and he is not a girl (hmmm..true again!). SOOO ~ In my infinite motherly wisdom I told them that they could EACH have a movie, but there would be no snack or drink until we got home. This was not sitting well with two tired, hungry children. I said, " I'm going to give you a few minutes to decide and then we are leaving...if you can't decided, you are leaving with nothing." Before I could say a word, MDD said, "I guess I have a "solution" to our problem. " And she pulls out a 5 dollar bill! She said, "I will buy my own movie and you buy my snack."

I asked her WHERE she got $5 ~ "When you said we were going to Target and that we could not get a toy, I just got my own money out of my bank so I could get what I wanted." ;) Too bad, all that's left is pennies!!!!

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