Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas break is here ~

I am soooo glad to be off of school for a couple of weeks....we ALL need a break! :) MDD is much better today, but did have to stay home and miss her party! :( She was not really thrilled about it either! Now, I am just praying that the rest of us stay well at least for the next day or so! We are supposed to go to Glennville for Mr. Jerry's family Christmas tomorrow. It is always a lot of fun and I am pretty sure that this is the last year that we will have it there, since Aunt Gladys is getting so elderly.

Today at JD's party, they each got a gift from Santa. The gift was one that we sent and was to cost $10. All Jackson wants for Christmas is zhuzhu pets and a pillow pet. We bought a Hunter Dan action figure for his gift. I was able to sneak out to his class just in time to watch them open their presents....and wouldn't you know....a little girl in his class got a zhu zhu pet. If you could have seen the hurt look on his face. It BROKE my heart! I had to leave to go back to my room, but gave him a kiss and told him how cool I thought his toy was. He LIKED it, he just wants a zhu zhu pet....and he was told that the gifts were from SANTA.

When we got in the car, he said, "Mama, am I a bad boy?" I said, "Oh goodness no! Why would you ask that?" "Because I try to be so good, and Santa did not bring me a zhu zhu pet, but ___________ got one." :( WELL ~ Little does my precious boy know that his Mommy is looking out for him and Santa has taken care of the zhu zhu pets and accessories! I HAD to tell them truth. I told him that those gifts were NOT from Santa, but his Daddy bought that Hunter Dan for him and I was CERTAIN he would get zhu zhu pets for Christmas. This may seem dumb, but I am telling you, I could have cried I was so sad...and I don't even have PMS! ;)

Guess that is about it here! Both kids are napping and I am listening to the rain waiting on the madness to wake up! :) Christmas Vacation is coming on tonight and that is all my ALL TIME favorite movie! I am SOOOOO excited! I will be wrapped up in my blanket in my PJs enjoying it too! :)

Have a great weekend!

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