Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Dowdy Christmas

This past weekend we had Christmas at Mr Jerry's aunts house. It is always a lot of fun! This is a FUN family! We get there around lunch and have a huge traditional meal with ham, turkey, dressing, etc. After lunch, we open gifts, then later that night, we have an oyster roast...lots of food and 2 favorite things! :)

Jackson was soooo excited because presents were involved! Both of my kids enjoyed playing with Dalton's cousins' children ~ One was 2, the other was 14 months. They were precious, but boy I am glad that stage in our life is long gone!
Jackson does not eat oysters, but he LOVES cracking them! He has a dull knife and he gets right in there with the men! too precious!

Dalton's aunt gave them rudolph sets ~ As you can see, JD's antler did not want to stand up and MD is holding it up for him !;)

Mary Dalton dressed as Rudolph!
I can't believe WEDNESDAY is already here! We are heading to the farm in a little while for some jumping house fun and riding the gator. We are in the live nativity tonight at church....THAT should be interesting! Jackson woke up very congested, sneezing/coughing, and has just laid around all a.m. ~ praying he will feel better before Ho Ho gets here!
Enjoy your day!

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