Mary Dalton's K4 class came over today for their end of the year swimming party! I was worried that the water was going to be too cold and the party was too long (got here about 9 and left at 1) ~ how wrong I was! Soem children did not even get out to eat! They had a BLAST! She has 20 in her class and I was worried it would be too many in the pool, but every child had a parent with them and it was a breeze! We are already planning a "Back to School" party for August!

Mary Dalton & Alli ~ My 2 LOVE Alli (and I do too!) She came to lifeguard! MD was pumped abotu Alli being one of the lifeguards! ;)

Floating around ~

Martu Ann & Mary Dalton eating cupcakes...icing was EVERYWHERE....good thing they just jumped in the pool to wash it off! ;)

Some of the class ~ I have not clue where MD was in this picture...she sure was not where I told her to stand....hmmm...

I was standing on the sidewalk and child stepped on this frog and it jumped on my foot to get in the pool ~ I WENT CRAZY!!!! The 15 boys in her class were on this poor frog like a rat on a cheetoe ~ MD & I were on the deck! Thankfully, our male lifeguard, Mason, caught it and disposed of it!

This poor, poor cat showed up at our house 2 days ago and has not left yet. Mary D and Jax are so so so excited! She said, "God answered my prayers! I have been praying for a cat and a sister! And I got the cat!" ~ Thanks God....hope that's all you answer! ;) Anyway, the kids had just as much fun with the cat she named Sunny as they did swimming. The boys put it on the slip and slide and the dumb cat let them! I figured she would be GONE after today, but tonight when I went to shock the pants off the NASTY pool there she/he was! I don't like cats and don't care for pets, but my children are so happy, so I hope the thing stays....uhhhhh!!!

Mary Dalton hung out with Alli a good bit of the day! I am sure Alli had her ears talked off!

MD with Miss Gail and Miss Tara ~ such sweet, precious Godly ladies! So thankful they will teach Jackson next year!!! Miss Tara was MD's BEST friend! MD ADORES her!!! Tara is a nurse, but quit to be a para pro so she could be with her daughter at school. She is so compassionate and I love her so much for loving my baby girl!!!!

Mary D and Margaret Lynn (who can swim like a FISH....I honestly could have hired this little girl to life guard, she was amazing!)

Umm...can you tell who MD liked to play with??? :)
I was able to get everything back to normal within an hour and even got my hair highlighted and cut this afternoon! This was one BUSY week, but as I sit here and look at these precious pictures ,watch the videos, flip through their memory books, and think back to all the scripture and knowledge that they have acquired this year I am so thankful for our school. It is not the best school in the world, but it is best for our family. There are problems there and there are things that could be better or different, but we all work together to get the job done. And most importantly, I KNOW that our staff LOVES what they do. They are certainly not there for the pay check (trust me, remember...I work there too....), but for the purpose of teaching and loving the children ~ and for that ~ I am beyond thankful.
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