Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Ramblings & Other News ~

Holy Cow ~ I am on a posting roll! :) I got up early this morning and went walking. I have been getting up early and walking before Dalton gets up. It really helps me clear my head and have some "alone" time ~ which is nice! I listen to MD's i pod (which would NOT be my choice selection, but oh well) and pray. It's nice and cool and I LOVE it! I hope I love it enough to stick to it! ;)

The first day of Summer in the Son was awesome! The kids both loved it and are excited about going back today. I can't figure out WHY they love this camp (which is not at our church OR with anyone that they know). This is what I have come up with ~
1. You have to sign up ahead of time and pay $25. So ~ They KNOW how many are coming and how many to plan for. No running out of food, supplies, or shortage of teachers.

2. Mary D. was soooo excited that they did not do worksheets! She said they never even colored.

3. Instead of listening to the Bible Story, it was acted out by adults dressed in cosutmes.

4. It is SO SO SO organized! I LOVED that part!

5. People of ALL ages in the church where helping ~ from the young youth to the blue haired ladies...they were all there and seemed so happy to serve.

6. Most of the activities are outside. They do games and water games that teach a lesson/moral.

I am so happy that they are having such a great time and look forward to the week ahead!

**Dalton took Jackson to get his hair cut this past weekend. He was so proud that he got to go to the barber shop like his Daddy.When he came home, he said, "Mama, I got my hair cut just like Daddy's but she forget to give me a hole." ha!!! The "hole" is a bald spot on D's head! ;) I LOVE that boy!!!

I am going to be helping Dalton at his office this morning ~ We work together at home so well, but at WORK it is a different story! If he would not kill me, I'd take pics of his messy office! ;) Should be interesting, but I am glad I can help! ;)
Enjoy your day!

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