Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thanksgiving all month long ~

Several people on FB are posting something each day that they are thankful for! I am going to ATTEMPT to post one thing that I am thankful for each day! Since today is the 2nd, I will do my first two! :)

1. Personal realtionship with Jesus and salvation (can't do one without the other, so I had to do a "two for one"). I was saved at a young age at summer camp and although my spiritual walk has had highs and lows, Jesus has always been there. As I look back over my life (I sound old! ha!) I love to see how so MANY times I questioned what was going on in my life and had soooo many questions especially "whys" and now I can see how God was working all the details out in my life. I could write about this for HOURS! I am so thankful that I have salvation and I know with all my heart that heaven is real, Jesus is alive and I will live in eternity with Him one day! I can't imagine my life without Him!

2. Dalton ~ Oh how I love that man! He is truly my best friend. I would rather be with him than anyone else in the whole, wide world. He loves me and thinks I am beautiful (even when I look ROUGH) and skinny (ha!). I am thankful that he is the father of my 2 children and that he loves him sooooo much! I am thankful that he makes me laugh and loves to laugh! I am thankful that he works hard to provide for our family and always is looking for way to make things better for us. I am thankful that we both believe marriage is forever and we are 110% committed to each other forever.

Ok, so I posted more than 2 things, but you get where I am going with this I am sure! ;)

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