Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back to the Real World ~

The alarm went off EARLY this morning and boy have I not missed that sound! The children were NOT excited about getting up! Jackson was more eager to get up bc he is counting down until his party, but MDD on the otherhand would rather snooze away!

Yesterday, we made a tent and that brought HOURS of entertainment! We watched a movie in the tent, ate popcorn and played some games! It was so much fun to be able to play with the kids and totally focus on them, not house work or school.

And yes, it is still freezing her, but you know "The Situation" is not going to wear a shirt! ;)

These were some of the words the kids made ~ I had to help them with "pun" but since I explained what it means, I have heard, "no pun intended 500 times!"

If you have 4-7 year olds, this is the BEST spelling game! Heck, I am 32 and I like it, too! ;) It is a GREAT way to teach spelling, let's them make their own words, plus gives you the chance to teach them new words too! We have had this for awhile, but have not played in awhile. Jackson was really good at it this time, which made it even more fun!

After tent fun, the kids put on their swimsuits and played in a bubble bath! There were bubbles joke....floor, wall, ceiling,towels, etc. were covered...oh well, they had fun! :D

Although we had a great day back at school, we are worn out! Dalton has supper club tonight and I gotta feeling it's gonna be an EARLY bedtime tonight!

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