Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's a new decade AND a new year!
In the last decade, I got married, finished college, Dalton graduated from law school, had 2 children, moved across the country, bought 2 houses, took lots of fun trips, made great friends and LOVED my life! I can't wait to see what the new decade brings ~ In 2020, Mary Dalton will be 16, Jackson will be about to turn 15...hard to even fathom, but I know it will be here before I know it!
We had a great New Year's Eve! We went to a friend's house for a cookout and were back at the cabin and in bed by 10:00 ~ true party animals I tell you! ;) This morning, Dalton cooked us the BEST breakfast and we got the cabin all cleaned up! Dalton has some hunters coming in this week for a late season deer hunt. He is really enjoying guiding and hosting these hunts and the money he makes help him keep the farm "running" up to his HIGH expectations! He even had a website designed for it and we are excited about more hunters coming this year! Check it out and pass it along! :) We are also looking into a program called "Catch a Dream" ~ It is basically set up very similar to the make a wish system. It allows terminally ill children to come hunt and fish. We are super excited about possibly being chosen as a host and pray God will use the farm and our cabin for His purposes this year!
I bought groceries and the children's "new" supplies for school that their teachers requested. We are trying to get ready for "back to the real world" ~ I type that as both children are still awake at 9:55 watching TV....oh Monday is gonna be bad! I am glad that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over and we are looking forward to a trip to DISNEY later this month, as well as Jackson's 5th birthday party!
I don't really make resolutions, I know I won't keep them...but I was thinking about some things that I would like to do this year ~ I thought I would post them to see how many actually happen...and maybe motivate me! ;)
1.) Complete a 1/2 marathon
2.) Read CS Lewis books with the kids
3.) Have at LEAST one night away with Dalton
4.) Make my kids breakfast instead of eating in the car on the way to school
5.) Pray for others more...I often find I am praying for my own little family and other family/friends, I need to pray for our leaders, those I don't know but come in contact with, etc.
It's just 5 things that are on my heart ~ Let's see how the year goes! :)

1 comment: said...

Amber - Just reading your newest blog post about the cabin and Dalton's hunting trips. So interesting that he/you all have looked into the Catch a Dream program. Johnny and I are working with a group called Southern Christian Sportsmens Devotional - we provide a devotional twice a week for hunters and fishermen. There is also church servic every other Sunday at a pondhouse for guys to go to church in their camo or fishing clothes - those who may not necessarily feel comfortable in a more formal church setting. The other half of our ministry is providing Dream Hunts/Fishing for children who are seriously or terminally ill. Our last one was last month - a 10 yr. old with Muscular Dystrophy. We've been wanting to talk to Dalton and J.D. about what we do just so they'll know what it's all about. Jimmy Houston will be at our church in March for a fundraiser to help with our trips for the kids.

Always love your blogs! I have decided to be more diligent in "recording the family history" - your blog has been an inspiration for me!

Happy New Year to all of you!
Debbie and the rest of the Statesboro Cousins

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