Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back to work & Funky mood ~

Everyone was well today and we were able to go back to school! I went on Sunday and worked for 4 hours, but I was still SO behind when I walked in my classroom this morning and of course bombarded with 500 questions/problems that came up while I was out. It is VERY hard to miss FIVE days of teaching in less than 8 days! I got a lot accomplished today, but have just as much to get to tomorrow and I am worn out!

Poor Dalton has got the funk now! Not sure if his is flu yet, it is still to early to tell, but he feels awful and has been in bed all day. I can NOT get this! My hands look like a 90 yr olds I have washed them so much! I am trying to be very aware of germs and praying I stay well! I don't have any days left, so if I do get sick, you guessed it....Amber will be at work! Amazing how mothers do it, isn't it???

I have gotten into an awful funk the past few days...not sure if it is the cold weather, nonstop rain, sick kids, backed up work, never ending laundry, missing my family or what....but I am trying to get out of it! It is so hard for me to be 10 hours from my family. So many of my friends around me have their parents right here and never even realize how fortunate they are! It would be HEAVEN to drop the kids at my mom's house and have a date night with Dalton without worrying about the kids being with a sitter OR constantly watching my watch as the "clock" runs while the sitter is here! And the thing is, she would LOVE to keep them! She may feel even worse than I do that we are so far apart. I always feel so bad to tell her that they are sick. The first thing she says is, "Baby, I wish I was there." And boy do I wish the same!

In the mean time ~ She and my sister will be here in just a few weeks and I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!! We always have so much fun together and I know this visit will be no different!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean about being near parents. We had wonderful jobs and friends near Savannah. Lived on a golf course 30 minutes from the beach, and we still felt it was worth it to move here. It's not perfect, but in the middle of a sick kids/crazy job/car won't crank moment- it is very nice to have grandparents close by. Hope you work your way out of the funk soon.

Home of a Magnolia said...

Girl- you are exhausted from caring for two sick kiddos and a sick hubby. Not to mention you have cabin fever. So glad your mom and sister are visiting soon. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

The Mayer Family said...

Amber, I feel the same way about being away from family! It's hard sometimes, but you're such a great mom. They're so lucky to have you! I do know the feeling though, it's hard sometimes. I'll say a little prayer for you! As always, I LOVE your blog! I check it all the time! Hope everybody at your house gets to feeling better soon!

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