Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Camera is Broken! :(

I am SOOO upset! My camera was acting up last week and it is as good as gone now! :( I did not realize how much I used my camera until I no longer have it! has rained ALL weekend, so we have been inside and the kids have kept me laughing ~ here's the latest... Last night it was storming pretty bad. MDD was RIGHT under me, I could not roll over. I pushed her over to her side and then put a pillow between us so I could have my space. She said, "I feel so bad for Daddy...I mean you give him like 3 inches of bed, no wonder he always comes and sleeps with me when I have bad dreams, the man needs room Mama!" JDD was watching Curious George ~ the mokey swallowed a puzzle piece and was coming out of surgery and the narrator says, "George was feeling very sleepy." He said," I am with George, I am feeling very sleepy too." JDD put my glasses on, made a funny face and said, "No wonder you can't see Mommy! These glasses make everything blurry!" And my favorite quote of the weekend by Mary D. "Mama, you are so cool. I mean, you can braid hair, make volcanoes, and you are so brave. You are the coolest person I know." So ~ I guess making volcanoes and braiding hair rank high among things that impress The Priss! :) I am VERY glad she thinkgs taht I am cool, bc I know this phase will NOT last long! :)

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