Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kid's Say ~ ~ ~

Jackson has been asking a LOT of questions about asking Jesus into his heart. I was talking to him on the way to the coast and I asked him if he knew what a sinner was ~
"Oh yeah Mama! You know, like the art center, the block center, the science center..."

I gave MDD a Wiggles bowl that we got a LONG time ago ~ I think she was 2. She looked that bowl over and made a face and said, "I think you could say we got our money out of this one Mama."

The kids were talking in the pool and MDD asked JDD if he liked a certain girl. He said, "Oh no! She is a gold digger!" I asked him what they meant and he said,
"You know, digs for gold in her nose Mama...picks boogers."


MDD was trying to talk JDD into letting her look in his treat bag from the party. He said she could have ONE piece of candy, BUT she could not hold the bag because it was special. She said, "You have an emotional attachment to everything these days!"

Not too sure where she heard that one!!!

We are enjoying being at home this week! Yesterday, we spent SEVEN hours in the pool ~ pure bliss I tell you! Today, we ran some errands, went to lunch with Dalton, went to story hour at the library, DQ for ice cream and then to the park!!! It has been a FULL day already!!!

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