Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Big Buddy/Little Buddy ~

We started a new program at our school this year! We have paired each senior with a K5 student that will be their "Big Buddy" this year! Today was "reveal" day! The Seniors lead the kids on a scavenger hunt and then the kids had to find their buddy based on a shape. I think that the seniors had more fun than the kids! ;)

After they got their buddies, they had ice cream and watched a movie!

It was a fun day and Jackson was really excited about his buddy, Nick!

(Pics were taken with my phone so they are blurry!)

I am excited about working with the seniors on this project this year! :)


This short week is flying by! The kids have opted not to do choir this year and although I wish they wanted to, I am glad we are home at our normal time and not 5 pm! It was nice and cool here, fall is just around the corner and I could not stand it ANY longer, so I got all some of our vegetables we put up this summer for supper ~ creamed corn and peas tonight! We have several birthday parties to attend in the next few days, so between that and school I am sure we will be busy!

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