Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prayer Request for Jackson ~

Jackson had another rough night last night. He woke up around 1 with a headache and it was pretty bad. He has a high pain tolerance and was rolling in the floor, pulling on his hair. I decided about to take him to the ER. I called Cathy (my boss/friend/adoptive grandma) to come sit with MDD. I knew she could get her to school and handle all those aspects if I was not back. When she came in, Jackson said, "Please make it stop Miss Cathy. Help me" Talk about heart breaking.

While I was getting my contacts, clothes, etc. She asked me to get her an ice pack. She also said that her son would take tylenol and benadryl together ~ We did these things and before I was ready to leave he was SOOO much better! He was asleep within 30 mins. She sat with me for awhile to make sure he was ok ~ talk about a GREAT friend!!!

I called the Dr. today and she wants to do blood work (he is gonna FREAK out!) and an MRI to be certain that there is nothing more going on other than migraines triggered by sinus/allergies. Like a FOOL ~ I googled it ~ I was at peace with it until I read that if your child has a headache that wakes him/her see a Dr. it could be serious. That, with the lack of sleep, missing my husband, and 100 other things sent me into a tailspin.

Please pray for Jackson tomorrow. Pray that whatever is causing this is treatable and fixable. Pray for his dr and nurses. Pray for his mommy. I know as much as I love him, God loves him even more (which is hard to imagine!) and He has plans to prosper and not harm us. I also know that He will give us both strength to get through tomorrow!

thanks for your prayers ~ I will post as soon as we know something....


destinmimi said...

Praying for sweet Jackson and you!! I know it's hard not to worry but God has already gone before you and will be with you!! Will be waiting to hear.
love you,
Ms Martha

The Mayer Family said...

I'm praying for Jackson! I'm so sorry that he had to go through that and I pray that it'll get better! I'm praying that the blood work and MRI come back clear. Psalm 91:4 You're such a great mom and he's so blessed to have you!

Amber said...

thanks for your sweet comments and prayers ~ they were felt today!

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