Friday, December 2, 2011

Jackson's Baptism ~ 11/28/11

This past Sunday, my sweet Jackson was baptized.

2nd proudest "mother moment" yet!

He was SO excited!

He had to "test" the water!

(Mary Dalton was mortified he was wearing his swimsuit to church!)

Dalton and I took him upstairs to help him get into his robe and get ready...
My baby is growing up SO fast!
I am so thankful for God's answered prayers! I have prayed DAILY since he was born that he would accept Christ at a young age....Thank you Lord for not only saving me, but my precious baby.

Oh, that ALL Christians would be THIS excited about their salvation!

(Including me!) Since jackson has asked Jesus into his heart, God is working in our whole family in a new and different way than before!

We are so proud of his excitement and want to do all we can to keep on "on fire" for Jesus!

(I could eat that boy with a spoon. Every. Last. Bite.)

This is the backdrop to our baptism pool/area ~ a lady in our church who is an artist painted it! There is SO much imagery and symbolism in it! It is AMAZING!

I have said it before, but will say it again ~ We were overjoyed that my Daddy was able to perform the baptism! What a special memory that will be for Jackson when he is older!

He was PRECIOUS during the baptism ~ the preacher was also in the water with them and asked Jackson his full Christian name. He looked right out in the crowd and said, "Jackson David Dowdy." He asked him if it was true that he accepted Jesus into his heart and with the most enthusiasm he said, "YES SIR!" It was such a wonderful day for our family and we look forward to the day when Mary Dalton makes a decision as well!

After church, we invited our close friends and family for lunch ~

jackson's favorite foods ~

On the menu ~

Cheeseburgers from McDonalds ~ plain of course!

Carrots and ranch

Hostess cupcakes

Sour Cream and Onion Chips


Cheese Cubes

Pesto w/crackers

Sweet Tea

can you say gourmet????

Several of our friends were traveling, but we were so blessed that so many took time to come celebrate with us at church!!!

Mary Dalton and Ansley had a great time playing together after church ~

my sweet friend, Hope, just realized we were kinda dressed alike! See why we are friends? ha!

After everyone left, Jackson had a few gifts and cards to open. Dalton & I gave him a Bible to remember his special day!

What a wonderful day it was! We look forward to seeing God work in Jackson's life and watching him grow in his faith!!!

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