Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend....

Mary Dalton & I had our annual GIRLS DAY this past Saturday!
We left at 9 and got back at 7! We shopped and got our nails done! It was SO much fun!!! She is a hoot and I love being around her!
She's just so much fun!!!
We had lunch at PF Chang's and she was SO excited that:
1.) They didn't give her a kids menu.
2.) That her drink did not have a lid.
3.) The waiter called her "mam"
She had her birthday money and wanted to buy a Caboodle ~ who knew that these things would be popular again?!?! She found $1 bin of make up and girl was in HEAVEN!!!
After we got our nails done, we went to get yogurt...our FAVORITE then headed back to see the fireworks!
We swam on Sunday and Rhett and his crew were down and came to join us!!! Jackson found this HUGE frog in the pool ~ then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with him in the pool! He took him to the farm and let him go in the pond

Sassy had to get all dressed up to swim! Necklace and hairbow!

After a fun swim, we went to the farm and Dalton & Rhett took the kids fishing ~
They did pretty good!!! We cooked fish for supper...they were delicious!
Monday was my 35th birthday...Jackson gave me this card...LOVE the part abotu having all my teeth! ha! The little things...that's what we should be thankful for! ;)
And I spent my birthday grading papers, doing laundry and sitting with our new construction crew...long sotry short...bathroom project is a hot mess. Dalton fired the other man and we have two new ones...but we have to stay here while they are here...tomorrow I am taking off to stay ~ Dalton is taking off Thursday....PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING that they can make some headway!!!
Our sweet friends Tammy & Mary Will stopped by and brought us birthday gifts! So sweet!!! I needed some cheering up for sure! Mary D misses MW! we saw her LOTS last year at dance, but since we switched, we don't see her near enough! We are gonna try to get them together soon to play!
And then we went BACK to Augusta ~ it's a daily thing these days!
While Dalton & Jackson went to Lowes MDD and I walked around the mall ~
It was a good birthday...lots to be thankful for....but VERYdisappointed I did not get any cake! Gonna have to work on that one this week....

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