Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ath Half 2013

I ran (and finished without dying!) my first half marathon today! It's something I've wanted to do for about two years now so I can now mark it off my bucket list! I left yesterday around 4 and went to Chelseys's house. Her parents came too and we all went out to eat a dinner filled with carbs....pasta!!!We got up EARLY this morning and headed downtown for the race! It was FREEZING!!!
I REALLY wanted to finish this race in less than 2 hours 30 mins. I finished in 2 hours and 44 mins. I had to stop three time ~ mile 4 to potty (had to wait about 3-4 mins for porta potty!) and then mile 6 I noticed I was soaking camelbak was leaking...BAD! I dumped what I could and kept going...but it looked like I TOTALLY wet my pants!! My ipod and also stopped for some reason so I got it going again then (maybe 3-4 mins again). Then at mile 9 I had to stop for another bathroom break ~ 2 babies 17 months apart is not good for one's bladder! ;) This was a LONG stop ~ there was a line but I HAD to go!!! I waited long enough to swap shirts into a cooler one, repin my number, get some energy gels and drink some gaterade...and potty! I was stopped about 10 mins. Soooo...when you add in my stops and the fact that this ENTIRE race was nothing but hills, I am overall pleased with my finish time!! :) 
Chelsey's mom made signs for us ~ Willis had this one for me!
(He's in my 10th grade class!) They are such a fun family and I SO enjoyed the weekend with them! 
Bless Chelsey's sweet heart, she was DETERMINED I was going to stay with her...I did for half a mile! She is 20 and well, I am not. I can't keep up with these fast girls! I have to go at my own pace! 
It was really fun, but I have NO DESIRE to run a full marathon! Everyone said I would want to...but there is NO WAY ~ doesn't even sound fun!!! I do hope to another half for sure though! 
I am SO thankful for sweet friends who helped watch Mary Dalton & Jackson so I could run! The race fell on opening day of deer season, so that pretty much meant Dalton was out. Mike, Angela and Sallie Ann stepped in and kept the kids! They had the BEST time at their house and I didn't worry about them one second! When I got home, we make cupcakes....because when you run 13.1 miles (and walk about 2 more to and from the car) you eat cupacakes! Then we headed to the tree house to enjoy the afternoon! 
It was a busy weekend, but a great one! Glad to have some time away, but so thankful to get home to my loves! I just need the "big" love to get home from the woods!!! 

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