Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weeks 43 & 44 #apictureadayin2015

Better late than  not at all ~ I am ALMOST done with TWO YEARS of pics from EVERYDAY!!! Oh my gosh! I am taking a break in 2016! 

First up ~ Friday 10/23  ~
I cannot WAIT to have our addition done and have the cabin ready to stay ALL the time! 
Saturday ~ 
Round 1 of Halloween Parties! 
Sunday ~ Nursery helper MD! 
Monday ~ 
Our first annual pumpkin carving contest! 
Jackson won! :) 
Tuesday  ~
My boys made the paper! So sweet!!! 
Tuesday ~ 
This was in my Chasing Fireflies catalog and I could NOT STOP LAUGHING when I thought about our family wearing these! 
Wednesday ~ 
Fun at Sooz's house! 
Thursday ~ 
Yep...don't know where that picture went...oh well! I am sure it was a fabulous day because the maid came!:) 

Friday ~ 
Halloween parties at school! 
Saturday was filled with fun at Dalton's office passing out candy! 
Sunday ~ 
Soooo...some people get REALLY upset if you skip Thanksgiving! I am not skipping Thanksgiving! I just want to enjoy my decorations longer! It takes a LONG time to haul that crap out! To each her own...
Monday ~ 
My babies at Thanksgiving 2008
Tuesday ~ MD had to see an ENT in Statesboro and just the 2 of us went ~ sweet, sweet time with my girl who is growingup WAY too fast!!! 
Wednesday ~ 
New favorite quote! :) 
Less than 8 weeks to go...I am ALMOST there! :) 

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