Sunday, June 16, 2024


I am only a month late, but I am finally getting around to Jackson’s graduation post! 

I am still beaming with pride over him! 

I ran in before graduation and took one last selfie with the Class of 24! I have been the senior homeroom sponsor for 17 years now, so it is always bittersweet when they leave! 

Jackson KILLED his speech! His focus was on getting stuck and how there is always a way out. He also talked about the importance of taking trips/chances and enjoying life because tomorrow is not promised. 
This year has been HARD in so many ways. Our family has been a in a season in grief and we are anxiously awaiting for it to end and heal. Last year, less than 365…Mary Dalton had all 4 grandparents at her graduation. Jackson had 1 and she was not well. Life is SO short. Time is so precious. We as a family are determined to make the post of it. I am beyond thankful for the people who have shown up for my kids over the years. 
Sweet Gigi and Sallie Ann always are there to support them! 

These 2 aggravate the mess out of Lisa! 

SO SO SO thankful for these 3. I am also thankful I don’t have a child in school anymore!!! College has been 1000 times better for MD and I am sure JDD will feel the same way. 

Delaney came from Nashville to celebrate our boy! 

Mrs Cathy has been a God-send to our family. She is the best of the best. 

Debbie and Johnny drove from Statesboro. I know they did this to help us fill the void of Mr. Jerry. It was beyond kind and I am thankful for these two! 

Sweet Natalie! We love her so!!! 

Will and Jackson…they have kept me on my toes these 4 years! 

All our family together. It is so weird not having Big in these pictures. He NEVER missed an academic school event! He was SO happy to have 2 grandkids going to UGA! 

Jackson talked about his 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Jessica. He ADORED her. 

The Maleys. They are so good to my kids. End of story. They love them like they are theirs.

And just like that we have TWO college kids. That happened really fast. We have about 6 weeks until they both leave for UGA and I am going to soak up all the time I can. Also, this blog is coming to an end. My plan was to end it with Jackson’s graduation, but I am going to do a June recap and a July recap…MAYBE his move in and wrap it up. Until then…take the trip, say yes when you can and ENJOY this life we have been given. 

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