Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jackson's 4th Birthday Party ~ ~ ~

Today we celebrated Jackson's 4th birthday with a cowboy theme party. January birthdays are HARD because you never know what the weather will do! It rained cats and dogs but thankfully it all cleared out about 30 minutes before his party started. The kids enjoyed the bounce house, riding the gator, making trail mix, and painting horses. It was a fun day for a fun boy! :)

Here are Bree, Mary Will, and Mary Dalton working on painting.

Jackson, Olivia, Mallie and Mary Dalton ~ he had all girls at his party except Landen. Mary Dalton's class is full of boys and his is full of girls! One day, they will be happy about that! ;-)

And of COURSE Dalton and I had to get in on the jumping action! I probably will not be able to move in the a.m. ~ I hurt my knee yesterday and I am sure jumping like a 5 yr old did not help!

Mommy and my favorite birthday boy in the whole world!!!!
Ewww~ did not notice how bad their eyes looked until I already posted....They look like they have been in the cowboy brew! ;)

It was a fun day! More pics to come ~ ~ ~


theglenns556 said...

I love fun birthday parties! I love that you do too!

Wendy said...

Happy birthday sweet Jackson!!! Looks like a really fun party!

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