Thursday, January 14, 2010

What goes around...comes around....

And at our house, that is sickness! :( Mary Dalton came home from school today sick. Suz was able to keep her so I could work. She took her to the Dr. for me and she has strep again! Her temp is pretty high right now and she got sick in the Dr.'s office so she is terrified she is going to get sick again. She is just pitiful! Breaks my heart! :( Suz was so sweet to volunteer to keep her tomorrow so I can work. I missed last Friday bc JD had a stomach bug....I can go THROUGH some sick days! ;) Anyway, she got a shot and hopefully will be back to her normal busy, bossy self in no time!

I have sooooo much to do to get ready for Jackson's party on Sunday! This house looks like a bomb has gone off in it and laundry is everywhere....of all the weeks for the maid not to come!!!!We are praying the rain holds off so they can ride the pony and jump!

more later....going to take care of priss..........


theglenns556 said...

So, I'm back! I totally forgot about your blog since it doesn't show up in my live feed anymore. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Amber said...

I know ~ several people can't access it...have you ever had crazy things/people follow yours?

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