Monday, February 8, 2010

Funny Girl ~

Dalton was in Louisville today so he went by and picked Mary Dalton up from school. Like all good daddies would do, he took her by the gas staion and allowed her to get SEVERAL bags of candy. When she came in she was very nice and offered some to Jackson. He told her that he had already had some skittles and did not care for any. So, she ate a few pieces and put the rest in her coat pocket. About an hour later, we were outside and she walked up to me and said, "Has Jackson pooped today?" I said, "Yes. Why are you concerned with his bowel habits?" She said, "Well, I about to offer him some gummy lifesavers, but if he was constipated I was going to sneak them so he would not get upset. You know those things clog us up good!" :)

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