Thursday, May 13, 2010

Favorite Books ~

Wow! Three blog entries in one day and during the busiest time of year for me too! I am impressing myself! ;) Kelly's Korner is doing your favortite children's books ~ I am a SUCKER for a good book! That is the one thing I miss about teaching elementary is reading sweet books and then doing fun activities! I do teach 7th grade reading and LOVE the books I read with my class! 80% of the books on my reading list have a Christian message in them ~ and the kids love them! A few of my favorites that I read with Mary Dalton & Jackson are below!

Love Love Love Sheliah Walsh with Princess Gigi! Mary Dalton has several of the videos (jax even likes them!) and we love this Bible (a boy version is in print too and is just as good!). The devotions are a Bible passage, then activity, question/answer scenarios, songs, plays or games to reinforce that Bible passage. I use this book a lot when we have children's church! Mary Dalton &I read this every night and the discussions it brings about melt my heart! :)I Love You Forever is another favorite! I can hardly read it without crying!!! It makes a great shower gift! Sweet story about a little boy and his love for his mother.....awww....I could cry just thinking about it!!!
Mary Dalton got this book for Easter from the bunny and it came with the CD of the Point of Grace song ~ CRIED LIKE A BABY!!! The sweetest song about a Daddy and his baby girl!! So precious!!

Some of my favorite books I have done with The Watsons Go To Birmingham, Treasures in the Snow, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Pearl, Parallel Journeys and Holes. These are also favorites with classes that I have taught in grades 5 and 7.
MY favorite books are by Greg Iles. Although the last one was disappointing! :(
Another favorite is Parenting by the Book by John Rosemond. THE BEST parenting book around! :) He uses Bible-based advice on child rearing ~ HIGHLY recommend it!! It is my "go to" book when I am having one of those days! ;)

1 comment:

Stacey Tuttle said...

I loved Treasures in the Snow too! Surprised how few people have ever heard of it. Loved all Patricia M. St. John's work, actually.

Have you ever read any of the Edith books by Dare Wright? My FAVORITES when I was young... mom and I still read them together from time to time - black and white photos of Edith the Lonely Doll and her new friends Mr. Bear and Little Bear. They are such precious stories. They have recently been reprinted, so you can find them now! Pink, purple or red gingham covers... "The Lonely Doll" and "Edith and Mr. Bear" are the ones I read most as a kid. Check them out!!!

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