Friday, May 14, 2010

Mary Dalton's Program ~ end of the year!!!

Today was Mary Dalton's end of the year program and pool party! My pics are out of order ~ sorry! ;)

Mary Dalton & Margaret Lynn getting ready for the show!

Mary Dalton getting her certificate and her scrap book ~ her teachers did something similar to what Jackson's teachers did ~ SO special and precious!!

walking into K4 one last time!!!!!

Even though MD started out with a ROUGH beginning, she ended up really enjoying school and learning a LOT! She was reading fluently by Feb/March, doing addition, can tell time to the hour, skip count by 2, 5 and 10, knows cardinal numbers, even knows a good bit of Spanish, can work a computer as good as me ;), recognizes and counts money, knows over 30 bible verses (LONG ones!), the 3 pledges, and LOTS of hymns, fun songs, and patriotic songs!
Gail and Tara have done an outstanding job with the class and I am so excited that Jackson will get to learn all this fun stuff next year ~ I got my moneys worth!!! ha!!
More pics to come of swimming fun!!!

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