Monday, May 17, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things ~

And oh they things my two have said lately!

MD "Suz, I found $2!" Suz said, "Really, where?" "I was just walking in my room and it randomly appeared!" ;)

MD was telling JD that all liars will "be cast into a pit of fire" ~ He said, "you mean like an armpit?"

JD was the with the sitter today and they were making cookies. He said, "Miss Brooke, do you know how to make a vagina cake?" Still wondering WHERE he heard this and trying to imagine WHAT it would look like?!?!

I was taking pics of MD at her class party on Friday and she said< "Sorry if I messed your picture up Mama, I was chewing and as soon as you said to say cheese, I tried to pause, but you were just too quick!"

MD who was VERY overtired and did NOT want to lay down to rest was crying and carrying on. She said through LOTS of tears and sobs, "Why can't you just accept me the way God made me? I mean, he made me stay awake and not need to sleep." I went on to recite the verse about there is a time for everything....she said, "I KNOW God was not talking about me in that part Mama! He really doesn't like me to sleep."

JD said ~ ______________ doesn't close her eyes when we pray. I said, "Oh that is so sad. We should really close our eyes because it helps us focus on God and not be distracted with other things. How do you know _______________ did not have her eyes closed?" He said, "God tells me to keep mine open and watch everybody else to be sure that they are doing right." ;)

A random cat showed up that they have named Sunny. They were trying to decide if it was a boy or a girl. MD of course said it was a girl and he wants a boy. They were arguing about which it was and wanted me to tell check and see if Sunny had boy or girl parts. I told them no, no way was I picking up that cat. They continue to examine the cat and then JD said, "He has a button! Is that what boys or girls have?" I was confused and went to see....that would be the cat's anal area ~ Lovely!!!

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