Saturday, May 22, 2010

Breathing a Sigh of Relief ~

SCHOOL IS OUT!!! The kids were done last week and I finished up yesterday! I have to go in on Monday for a few hours but nothing major so I am already celebrating! ;) This was a hard school year ~ we had a lot going on with various teachers losing parents, students who lost parents, etc. It just seemed like something was always going on. I think that having Mary Dalton and Jackson with me wore me out too!! This was the first time I worked full time and they were both in school ~ Just the thought of lunches, backpacks, and projects makes me tired! Thankfully, we have 2 months to regroup ~ And I KNOW I will be chomping back to get back to school in August! I DO love my job ~ just need a little break! ;)

Last night was graduation and the students were precious! SUCH a great group of kids! I can't wait to see what they all become! ~ On a sidenote ~ People are so RUDE! I could not believe the number of people who brought young children with them and then let the children bang on bleachers, cry, scream, etc while the speaker was speaking. I wanted to stand up and say, "Hire a sitter OR take him/her out!" ~ Can you tell this got on my nerves? ;)

My mom is here for MD's recital which is tonight! We are trying to keep the kids on somewhat of a normal schedule to prevent MD from having a meltdown when she leaves on Monday! ;) I am sure I will have lots of cute pics later on this weekend!

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