Mary Dalton's marathon dance recital was Saturday night ~ and she was too stinking cute if I do say so myself! ;) I was NOT expecting it to last so was OVER three hours long! We were worn out by the end of the night and did not get home and in bed until almost midnight....we are still trying to recover from that! I did not get that many pics, but I do have some pretty funny video that I will attempt to upload later this week!
MD was so so so excited to see Carly and Katy at the recital!

The finale was to HOT HOT HOT! and they wore swimsuits ~ She was so excited!!! She did not know what to do on one part, but she just made up her own moves...which were pretty good! ;)

Sweet Nana made the journey just to see MD perform! She was really hoping that Jackson would have a tee ball game so she could see him play while she was here, but wouldn't you know that was the one Thursday he didn't have a game! I know it must be hard for her to not be able to be here for so many things, but we are always sooo glad when she is here!!! Dalton & I think they should go on and move here! ;)

Pretty girl with her flowers from Sue-anna ~ We gave her a Baby Alive and she was super excited!

Suz and Big Daddy are all smiles with Miss Priss!

It was a lot of fun, but boy am I glad things are slowing down! She is not sure if she is going to dance next year or not. She had fun, but does not like the hour drive and by Thursday she is worn out! Anyway, we will wait and make that decision later!
I am officially out of school and we are about to hit the pool before the rain sets in! More later!!! :)
I know how Nana feels! Doesn't look like there is anyway we will get to see Will play teeball this year. I have only made one of Skyler & Mylie's games and Bill none..we are hoping to get to M'hall Thursday night to watch Sky play a double header... but that all depends on how Bill feels after chemo today, tomorrow and Wed. Glad Barbara was able to get there for the recital!! love you!
Thanks Miss Martha! Love yall too and praying for you and Mr. Bill!
Hey - There's an amazing dance studio in Augusta - only about 30 minutes up the road instead of an hour long trip. Let me know if you're interested in it and I'll facebook you the info.
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