For those of you who know me well, know that I am very "nasty nice" ~ I don't "do" dirty things. PERIOD. However, the one exception that I will make is going to the Old School Diner ~ It is TO DIE FOR! The ribs fall off the bone and crab legs will want to make you slap your mama they are so good!!! It is...well, let's just say....interesting to say the least!
Here are my CLEAN children...ready to go have dinner!

When you first see the sign, you become aware that you are REALLY going into a hole in the wall! I think that they saved on the sign to do other decorating to the area! ;)

And in case of an overflow of guests ~ Extra Parking sign on a nice, paint chipped headboard. Glad this headboard can't talk! ;)

And we arrive! Don't you LOVE the carpeted parking lot? This is where they spent their decorating money! ;) The caddy in the background is an extra bonus!

My personal favorite ~ 2 toilets and an old beat up, dirty Cozy Coupe! And wouldn't you know...Jackson wanted to play in the dirty car! This is the FRONT of the building...literally your view as you are driving in....and I ATE THERE!!!

Ready to eat! There is a wheel chair that the chef keeps outside the door. He serves a "Wheel Chair" platter and if you can eat it all, they will roll you out in the wheelchair...think John Candy in "The Great Outdoors" with the 98 oz steak!

There are THOUSANDS of pics all over the walls of customers with Chef Jerome! He is so kind and we were able to go back and have our pic taken too ~ you know me ~ I needed the FULL experience! ;)

This was so much fun! Chef Jerome told us that Ben Affleck had been there twice that week and even had pics to show us! It is a GREAT place to eat and the atmosphere alone is worth the trip! It would be worth the drive from Savannah or St Simons to see this....this is one of those things EVERYONE needs to see/do at least once! :)
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