Happy Mother's Day! I have always liked Mother Day's because it gave me a chance to "do" somthing nice for my mama who does so much for me! Before I was married, I would try to do everything I could so she would be able to rest on her special day! However, for some reason, I don't remember her really resting, but instead me talking her into doing something with me! ha! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mother. She is so patient (something I need to work on!) and kind! She is truly a godly woman whom I admire greatly!
*Mama ~I hope your day is extra special and you get some much needed and deserved rest! Thank you for all you do for me! I love you so much and can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Enjoy your spa day! :)

So many people have horror stories about their Mother in Laws but I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, godly mother in law. We live in the same neighborhood with Dalton's parents and I call on Suz....a LOT! She is such a encourager and so much fun to be around...not to mention ONE HECK of a decorator!!! :)
*Suz ~ Thank you for a wonderful weekend at the coast! I appreciate you stepping in and being my mother figure since my mother is so far away! I love you dearly and hope you have a wonderful day!

As long as I can remember I wanted to be a mother. I had dolls everywhere and drug them with me everywhere we went! God blessed me beyond measure with my two precious children. Motherhood is the most wonderful experience, as well as the most challenging....and I would not trade it for the world! All the sleepless nights, missed days of work for sick children, stained clothes, doctor's visits, date"less" nights traded for videoes of The Wiggles.....have flown by!!! My children are growing up and I can't stop it, but I can do my best to enjoy each day and make the most of it! Mary Dalton & Jackson are truly my pride and joy and I am blessed....sooooo blessed to be their mother!!! I am so thankful that I am a mother and can celebrate my children on this special day!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!
1 comment:
Thanks Amber, you were and still are a joy to me. I love you so much.
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