Friday, July 9, 2010

"The Fun One"

Every family has one ~ "The FUN Parent!" Yall know what I mean, the one that the kids know they can get away with a little bit more, the one that says yes a whole lot more than the other, the one who agrees to let them sleep in our room, the one who lets them order dessert when we were are out to eat instead of a main course, the one who comes in from work and starts a game of "coyote", the one who votes bath time can wait til tomorrow, the one who lets bed time be an extra 15...or sometimes HOUR later! ~ Get the idea???

For those of you who know me well, know I thrive on schedules and organization! I am not the fun parent! Last night, MD and I were in my bed ~ I was soooo tired from the water park (and upstairs was clean), I put them in their sleeping bags in my room and let them watch TV til they feel asleep so I could go straight to bed. Dalton got home around 9:30 ~ MD and I were almost alseep when he thought it would be fun for a night swim with his buddy! They had the BEST time and stayed in the pool until after 10:30 ~ I can't believe JD was able to hang with it after our busy day...he he had so much fun and even jumped off the diving board a few times! Love these 2 boys!!!!!!
Mary D. and I went out to see what they were doing ~ they were SUPER loud and the pool is outside my window! She still had wet hair from her bath and HATES to wash her hair, so she opted not to swim....thank goodness!
While we were at the farm over the 4th, I went walking and Dalton took the kids with him to the grocery store to stock up on a few things....
Like gummies!!!! He let them each pick any three boxes they would have thought he gave them a million dollars! They keep them in the canister and can get them whenever they want while we are there....I think that's one reason they love it there! ;)

Miss Priss putting her gummies up~

And what trip would be complete without.....
Cupcakes!!!!! They look bad bc I dropped them, but they must have tasted good bc three of the four of us had pink fingers and teeth for a few hours! ;)
I am so thankful my children have a Daddy who is so active in their lives and loves them so much! He works a good bit, but when he is here, he takes a lot of time to play with them and make memories that they will have forever! They both ADORE their daddy ~ and I think he is pretty crazy about them, too!!!!

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