Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Facebook "Clean Up"

Awhile back, my friend, Tammy, at Home of a Magnolia posted some thoughts on facebook. After reading Nicki's blog over on The Glenn Gang today, I was inspired to do a facebook "clean up." I enjoy facebook ~ it's a great way of keeping with friends and family since I live so far away from them! I started thinking about what these 2 sweet ladies had written and it is so true....so many people "peep" but don't post! What fun would FB be in no one ever updated their status or put pictures on their page? Why do all these "friends" have an account if they don't participate? I know that many are online because you can see their profile picture, but yet you never hear from them....

I am sure Tammy won't mind me postinga few of her "rules" for FB ~
1.) delete friends that don't participate
2.)dont' make negative comments about a person or situation
3.) don't fb about work
4.)comment on other's statuses and comment on pics
5.) My FAVORITE ~ "If someone comments to you that you are on FB all the time...DELETE them, they must be too or they would not know you were on it! This person is in denial!" ha!!!

All that said to say, I deleted 167 friends...I know...that's a lot. I made up some of my own rules:
1.) Once a month I will "delete" anyone who is not participating
2.) If I would not sit down and eat a meal with you, then we better not be FB friends
3.) If I hear through the grapevine (and remember, the grapevine is VERY short in Jefferson County) that you talk about my posts or pictures ~ gone.

Anywhooo....if you know me well you should know that no one has upset me or anything like that! If I am going to use FB, I want to use it with others who use it correctly! ;)

1 comment:

danielle pepper said...

great insight. think i'm about to go do some fb deleting myself!:)

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