Monday, January 17, 2011

Flashback from the BABY days!

This past weekend, I found our old video camera. We have not watched those tapes or used that camera since Jackson was 2! I decided to hook up the camera and let the kids watch the old tapes!

EVERY video had MDD saying, "I wanna see" the ENTIRE time and then proceeding to pitch a ROYAL fit when I said no. Then, in true Amber fashion, the camera cuts off and then cuts back on to a MUCH happier child. I was really surprised at how little I remember from those days! Especially the first 2 years of Mary D's life...pure blur! We had hours of tapes from birthdays and Christmases, but the best ones were the ones that we recorded on random everyday days!
Some of my favorites ~
*Jackson wrote ALL over his face with a Sharpie moments before we were leaving to go to ATL to tour the Southern Living house. He was in the bathtub and I said, "Jackson, what is on your face?" He said, "My nose." When I told him I was sad he wrote on himself he said, "sardy!"
*When MDD turned two she got a broom and a "zhoom" ~ Vacuum. Boy I wish she still liked these 2 items!
*When MDD was 2, Miss Luicelle started keeping them. I asked MD what "WooCee" said when she had a dirty diaper ~ she said, "Same, same on Mary D! Soooweeee! You sink Girlfriend!" ;)
*There was one video where MDD was on our side porch at our old house ~ I could see her while I was feeding Jackson. She pulled up my flowers and when I went out to ask her about it, she covered her eyes and would NOT make eye contact with me! It was soooo funny! I told her she ruined my plants and I was sad and she said, "Go cry den." I am sure am glad she has gotten sweeter since then! ;)
*One of my favorites was when Jackson got his head stuck in the potty insert ~ you know the thing you stick in the potty so the tiny child won't fall in??? He somehow got it on his head and I could NOT get it off! Dalton finally got it off, but Jackson was SCREAMING and had a read ring around his head for days! He kept saying, "I suck, I suck!" (stuck)
*I also was shocked at how bad their speech was! I guess we were used to them and knew what they were saying and what they wanted, but watching now HOLY COW! It was a lot of fun to watch and made he realize (again!) how quickly time flies by! Those were some fun times, but also some VERY long and hard days as well! It also reminded me (not that I needed reminding!) that I am VERY glad my "baby" days are over! I love a baby, but now I like the kind I can play with and hand right back! ;)

1 comment:

strawberrygirl said...

Time does fly. Where has half of January gone already??

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