Sunday, January 16, 2011

Relaxing Sunday ~

Today was a great Sunday! After church, we went to the farm and cooked hamburgers...Dalton makes the BEST hamburgers and today they were SOOOO good! :)
The weather was great today and I went running at the farm while Dalton cooked. I had not been in a week because of all the ice, so it was SO nice to be in the semi-warm weather running today!
Mary Dalton is getting ready for her 100 day celebration at school! It was supposed to be this week, but since we missed 3 days due to weather, it was moved to next week! We went ahead and did her project ~ There are 100 jewels on her crown! She thought this project up all by herself, and while it was VERY hard not to put the jewels on in a nice, neat orderly fashion, she had a blast designing her crown alone...and I did let me OCD kick in! ;)
When we got home from the farm, the boys took to the back yard for a super quick squirrel hunt ~they killed 4 in about 5 mins! Jackson LOVED it, he was sooo excited asking me to take pics of him and his "trophies" ~ While we were at the farm, we saw an armadilla. Jackson TORTURED the poor creature...he would sneak up to it and kick it, poke it with sticks, etc. The poor guy finally wedged himself between 2 haybales and then JDD was trying to pull him out by his tail....boys are SOOOOO different from girls!

**His FAV. part was that blood was running out of their mouths and onto the truck...gross!
We have a super busy week ahead of us, I am so thankful for our day filled with fun and relaxation! :)

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