Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jackson's 5th Birthday Party ~

Jackson's birthday is the 19th, but we celebrated with his friends today!
He honestly wakes up nicely two morning a year ~ Christmas and his today when he woke up, he had a smile (and cute bed head!).
He got to eat his favorite breakfast (choc. chip waffles) on the I am Special plate. We got his as a gift when we got married and the kids always look forward to having a turn to eat off the "special" plate. I really should use it more often!
Mary Dalton was excited about the party, too since they share so many of the same friends!
We had his party at the Aquatic Center and it was wonderful! He was so excited to finally get to have a swimming party! And even though there was still ice on the ground outside, it was toasty warm inside and a perfect place for a birthday party!
Our preacher's wife made his cake ~ He was SO excited about it!

He had lots of friends from church and school come to help celebrate!
He was super excited about "his" sign! It would disappear and then come back on ~ he said, "This is like I am famous!"

This is their sweet friend, Olivia. Her mom told me that she was so excited she slept with her swimsuit the night before! Jackson (while looking at pics from the party) said, "Livi looked so cute in her bra and panties!" I had to remind him that was a SWIMSUIT also known as a BIKINI ~ NOT a bra and panties! ;) I was worried he would not remember how to swim, but he did SUPER! I got some info and want to look into them taking lessons and possibly joining a swimteam sooon! They both love the water and would be on the same team, so that would be a plus for me! ;)

The boys had a great time with the noodles ~ They chased each other all over the pool!

Mary Dalton, Mary Will & Whitney Sue playing with their noodles ~ MDD has no idea how lucky she is that she and JD "share" friends!

It was a very fun day! We went for pizza after the party and then came home and played with his new toys! I have decided that I will NEVER have a party here again, it's WAY too easy to show up somewhere else, trash the place and come back home to my nice, clean house! I hope Mary D. is on board with me when her bday rolls around again!
Of course, we will be celebrating all week so more pics will follow! :)

1 comment:

Home of a Magnolia said...

Happy Birthday all week Jackson! We had a great time at the party. It was so funny to see snow on the ground at the mall and then go swimming. Great party!

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