Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School Party ~

We celebrated Jackson's 5th bday at school today!
He was SO proud of his crown! :)
His teacher, Miss Gail, gave him a birthday spanking ~ this is a class favorite in k4!
He wanted a SpiderMan cookie cake ~ and Ingles came to the rescue!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture! First, you can tell that his class is ALL girls! He will have his pick of the litter one day! ;) Secondly, look at their sweet faces!!! They are SO happy for him! I LOVE it! Such sweet, sweet friends!
Me and my FIVE year old!
I was in a meeting and when I went back in my classroom, he had left me a note on the smartboard ~ I treasure things like this bc I know one day (sniff,sniff) he will be writing some other "girl" notes! ;)

I know I have said 500 times that I am BEYOND thankful for our school! I love that I teach 3 doors down from Jackson and 4 from Mary Dalton! While I was in the hall today, I saw Mary D & Maggie running an errand for Miss Sharon! (MD is tall for her age, and Maggie is tiny ~ isn't that too funny???)

I was soooo tired this afternoon and had 500 things to do! Dalton called and wanted to take JDD out to eat for his bday...he shamed me into it! BUT! I protested by going in my old funky clothes and no makeup! Jackson had fun so I am glad we went!

After we got home, we let him open his presents from us! He got Star Wars pancake molds, sheets, and playdough set! He also got a magic kit and some transformer clue what it is or what it does! ;)

My two favorite boys!

We have celebrated all week ~ and I have a feeling it will continue on into the weekend! ;)

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