Friday, February 25, 2011

Disney's Magic Show!!!

My friend Shana and I bought tickets in JULY to take the kids to disney's magic show today! She is always willing to go with me on these wild adventures and our children all get along...that's always a plus! Here the kids were, all loaded up and ready for our pilgrimage to Columbia, SC!

Mary Dalton was SO excited about the show, but also about riding with Abby! Why is some other car always more fun than your own???

Pretty girls are ready for a fun time!

Jackson & Mallie ~ he is 4 months older than her, but a good foot taller! They have been together since they were 2! So sweet! Mallie is a MESS! She has always made me laugh and today was no different! Love that firecracker! :)

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her toothless smile, I think I could take pics all day of her new smile!

Sweet girls ~ abby & mary dalton ~ We have been to 4 or 5 other shows with them and they always have such a good time together!
If you go to a disney show, get ready to drop some MONEY! However, you get what you pay for and Disney puts on a SHOW! It was AMAZING!!! Disney on ice is good,but this was geared for older kids and the magic was SO good! Shana and I kept trying to figure out how they did everything! They each got to pick one prize. Jackson got some $12 mouse ears...that looked SO cute on him and Mary Dalton got a minnie doll to match her outfit!

Mallie with her mickey mouse!

Mary Dalton & minnie

What's a show without snacks??? We ate snowcones, hotdogs, nachos, cotton candy and Shana even got snuckered into buying a TWELVE dollar lemonade! Told ya, it costs a small fortune but it was well worth it to see their sweet faces and excitement! We sat by the sweetest grandmother and grandfather who brought their grandchild who was about 3. Shana and I enjoyed watching them interact with her just as much as we loved watching our own children! They were so in love with her and were more excited than she was about the show! They were precious!

We ended our fun night with a trip to Chic fil a to eat AGAIN and now are home and having a sleepover in my room since Dalton is away tonight! I am excited about cuddling with my 2 favorite little ones! :)

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