Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our busy week!

I hate to "wish my life away" ~ and I know that I need to enjoy each day, but I cannot begin to describe how BADLY I am ready for winter to be over! It starts every year with Halloween, bc I "KNOW" cold weather coming, but things usually start to look up around the 1st of March. The rain has been the PITS lately, top that off with cold and sicklies...yeah it will do me in every time!
On Monday, I was home with MD who was almost over the flu! We kept my friend's baby so she could be with her mother who had surgery last week. (This is the one I asked prayer for and she is going great, went home today!) Blake had the flu, too and clarissia was upset that she was not going to be able to see her mom, so I offered to keep him since they both had the same thing! He was SO sweet! Mary Dalton packed him all over the house! You could tell he has 2 older sisters ~ she read to him and he just laid there and listened! She even dressed him in doll clothes and put a bow in his hair....poor fellow!
HOORAY! Tuesday, everyone went to school! MDD was SO glad to be back with her friends! Can you tell that they were barely awake???

Mary Dalton & some her classmates ~
Jackson's class had a field trip this week to the bakery and to The Orchards. Dalton's parents own The Orchards and Jackson was so excited that it was "his" field trip! I had really hoped I would be able to go, but we had SEVEN teachers out and there was no way I was going to ask to leave! I was SO upset but sent my camera along with his sweet teacher Miss Tara! At the bakery, they got to see how they made homemade cinnamon rolls (good thing, bc he won't ever see his mama make any!). They also enjoyed a cookie while they were there.

Then, they headed across the street to The Orchards. They got a "grand" tour of the gift shop area ~

and then, they put on their hair nets and went to the back to make their own candy! They each got to make 10 chocolate covered animal crackers...JDD was SOOOO proud! Here is with Tim running his crackers through the machine!

Jackson is at the end in blue, but I LOVE this pic! Look at all their sweet faces watching for the crackers/candy to come through on the belt! They had a great time and were EXTRA sugared up for the rest of the day!
**I also wanted to note that Jackson got his report card, they only get them 3 times per year. The back read, "Jackson has a "wow" report card, but he needs to work on talking at inappropiate times." Remember, he got this last year, too. I opened it up and there was a big MINUS! I hate to say that I don't "care" but ya know...he is 5. When I asked him about it he said, "It's just a line on a card, who cares? Miss Gail doesn't want to really take turns talking, so sometimes, I just talk." Guess he summed up the problem area! ;)
The sun FINALLY came out late yesterday! We headed to the cabin for some MUCH needed rest time! This morning, we went and ate breakfast together, then we all got haircuts. I got BACK in the bed at 12 and slept another hour! This afternoon, we celebrated Blake's 1st bday with a cookout! Mary Dalton is modeling for a children's clothing company tomorrow and the boys are heading to Athens for the day! The weather is looking up this week and I am BEYOND excited! :)

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