Sunday, February 20, 2011

WooHoo!!! I made it! :)

So ~ I ran 13 miles and did not die! WooHoo!!!
I am by NO MEANS an athlete and never have been, so I am pretty proud of myself! I am signing up for the half marathon in Nashville this May! That was one of my "things to do in 2011" so I am REALLY excited that it is going to happen!
I have SO enjoyed this break from school! On Friday, we had so much fun! We ran some errands in Augusta and then I took the kids to the Aquatic Center...and had a DEAD camera! :( After our swim, we went to Bruster's and then headed to the cabin! On Saturday, our friends joined us for some fun! The kids played on the haybales and in the woods most of the day! We cooked hotdogs and marshmallows..the weather was PERFECT! I felt so bad when we got the kids in the bathtub and realized how sunburned they were!
We enjoyed lots of much needed rest and family time this weekend! :)
After we got home tonight, I started going through more of the kids' clothes. I did a lot a few weeks ago when they sick, but needed them to try on some thing. I could not believe how much Mary Dalton has grown! She has gotten so tall! None, not one, of her shorts fit her! She was really upset, it made me feel so bad! I tried to explain to her that we were so thankful that she was growing up and that she was healthy, but she was upset that her "Granimals" (wal mart) clothes no longer fit! ;) I assured her she could get some more as soon as we get back to Augusta! Jackson has a good bit because I buy clothes from a friend when her son outgrows them!
All that to say ~ these pics were taken this exact day LAST year!
Jackson had no hair and looks like a baby, but acting like a nut as usual! ;)
Mary Dalton still looked "little" to me! And, she still had all her teeth! They are just growing up so fast! We try so hard to enjoy them each day, because the days are going by too fast!

We are out of school tomorrow and I am *hoping* to relax some! On a final note, Dalton & I have some pretty big decisions to make this week.I REALLY dislike decision that have to be made in a quick time frame, and especially ones that affect our whole family. Please pray for God's guidance for us as we go through the week.

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