Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reading, Winter Break & Steak!

Mary Dalton is reading SO well! I am so proud of her...I am SUPER proud because she really loves to read! She is so sweet reading to herself and chuckling when she comes to a funny part! ;) Because she is so "into" reading, Jackson has really gotten into it, too! He is doing a great job and may even be a little farther ahead from where she was this time last year! I guess because I was an elementary teacher I "KNOW" the importance of reading well AND comprehending what was read! I am so thankful that they are both eager to learn and read and are enjoying it at the same time!

We have a FOUR day break coming up and I am SOOO excited! I am thinking about taking the kids to the aquatic center to swim one day...wear 'em out good! I REALLY want to pull out all the spring clothes, but am trying to contain my OCD and wait! We are planning to get together with some friends and cook out. The "big" news is that my running partner and I are going to ATTEMPT a 13 mile run ~ notice the word ATTEMPT! I pray we make it and don't die! ha! We both really want to do the 1/2 marathon in Nashville, but want to know that we can do it before we spend $125 to register!

Tonight, I cooked cubed steak (deer meat, that's all we eat) in the crock pot. It was SOOO good! I am not a fan of cubed steak, but this was so tender! I put the steak in, 1 lipton onion soup mix, 1 can cream of mushroom, 1 can water and cooked on low all day...SOOOO good! When everyone at my house eats something....THAT is success! :)

If there is a lack in blogging, please send out a search party...I may be dead on the side of the road after attempting that run!!!

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