Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Do Not Worry"

Dalton & I have had a lot going on these last few weeks which means a lot to worry about! We are looking into different job options for him, as well as possibly selling our home and moving out of state. There is a LOT of unknown. I am a BIG planner...I like to know when and where we will be and how things will work. This situation is NOTHING like that! However, I am praying simply that "God shows us clearly where He wants us to be and what He wants us to do." That's it. I am determined NOT to worry about it and live each day to its fullest, because we never know what tomorrow will bring! As I was cleaning out my car, I found 10-15 rocks. Jackson LOVES to collect rocks and as I was putting them in a ziplock for him, I found this one...
He got it at children's church last week and it was left there for me as a reminder...isn't it amazing how God reassures us even we aren't so sure???
Friday morning before school, I stopped and got some doughnuts for my homeroom. I LOVE my job so much and it's so funny to me how even high school kids still appreciate something as simple as a dozen doughnuts!
Jackson got SUGARED up before heading to his class! :)

Mary Dalton enjoying breakfast before school! She was SOOO excited and hardly slept Thursday night bc Friday afterschool she was going home with Abby for her first SLEEP OVER!! 8 girls went ~ most of them were in 1st grade, but she and one other little girl in her room were invited! She was soooo excited!

HAD to post a picture of her suitcase! Isn't it the cutest??? You know my girl is gonna travel in style! ;) ha!

She had so much fun! Dalton picked her up today and she has gone on and on about all the fun things that they did!
I ran in a 5k this morning with Clarissa and our time was about 4 mins better than last time! Tammy and I went to Target and enjoyed lunch before I headed back to meet up with Dalton & the kids at the farm. The rain is about to set in for the next 24 hours, and I have one tired little girl ~ so we are about to wind down!
enjoy your weekend! :)


destinmimi said...

I sure hope that if that move out of state happens that it is back toward the west... closer to MS!!

Amber said...

Awww..thanks Miss Martha! I wish that too! Today after church, Mary Dalton said that she wished she could spend the night with her grandparents like her friends at church ~ broke my heart! :( Hope yall are well!!!

Danielle said...

amber, love love love her suitcase!!! where did you find it? i'm always looking for fun and different things for olivia. it's too cute

Amber said...

Danielle ~ I got it at Canton Flea Market a few yars ago,but have seen them on etsy! :)

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