Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Bookfair & New Camera! :)

I am SO excited to have a camera again! :) This morning, we got up early for school and to say goodbye to Dalton as headed out the door for a weekend of hunting fun! I also decided that since Easter is SO late this year, we were pulling out the Easter clothes!

The children were super easy to get up/dressed this morning as they were so excited about the bookfair and Suz and Big Daddy coming for lunch at school! Mary Dalton was even MORE excited because her sweet friend Margaret Lynn was coming home from school with her to spend the night tonight!
Jackson, Margaret Lynn, Suz and Mary Dalton enjoying lunch today!
Today was the LONGEST day of school all year...I literally thought it would never end! Tomorrow if field day, but bc of all the rain the elementary teachers are holding their events indoors. I plan to deep clean my classroom and head out AS SOON as the bell rings at 12! So excited about spring break!!!

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