Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break has SPRUNG!

FINALLY! I did not think SB would ever get here! Friday, we had a half day at school and the kids had field day ~ MDD had a ball and was a pro at hoola hooping!

I let them dress themselves for field day ~ Sallie Ann said people were going to wonder what was wrong with me bc they were not "Dressed" ;) Jackson insisted on boots with shorts...

We took a 2 1/2 hour nap on Friday afternoon ~ it was pure heaven! This morning, we headed to Louisville to go to an Open House @ a Seed/Feed Store ~ Only in the rural south do people get excited about such a thing! ;) The place was packed and I got some beautiful herbs and flowers! We saw the Millers there ~ Mary D. was excited to see Whitney Sue Jackson was excited to see the baby chicks ~ I think that they were excited to see him leave!
Even Sweet Blake loved the chicks!
They had free boiled peanuts, burgers and hotdogs ~ the kids piled up on seed bags and enjoyed lunch! We saw half of our school there ~ it was lots of fun! :)
The weather was beautiful but WINDY ~ Jackson's plate blew away and he said, "This wind is about to give me a panic attack!" ha!
After we came home, I planted the herbs and flowers. I found a kit I got last year that has a little green house and some watermelon seeds. They were super excited about getting to plant their own watermelons ~ I am sure that they won't come up, but this brought them a good 30 mins of joy! ;)
Miss Priss carefully measuring her water ~
I had hoped to get the laundry put away, but I am not feeling 100% and think I may rest the rest of the day! I would love another nap, but won't hold my breathe! ;) We are looking forward to Dalton coming home tomorrow!

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