Thursday, April 14, 2011

Caps & Gowns ~

Well ~ today was the day for K5 cap and gown pics ~

It's hard to believe that this school year is almost over!

Mary Dalton has had the BEST school year! She has learned sooo much and just loves school!

Jackson just doesn't see what all the fuss about graduation is about! He is ready for swimming and sleeping in ~ me too baby! His teacher told me today that she was going to bring scissors to "cut the umbilical cord" bc he was so attached to me...."Little John" had to keep her mouth shut and remind herself that there are only 20 something days left! Thank goodness! Yes ~ he is attached to me ~ he is 5. He is my baby. And will be forever. I hope both my children are ALWAYS attached to us in some ways ~ I am 32 and talk to my mama EVERY morning on the way to school, plus several times in the day ~ I call it a "relationship" not attachment...anywho...better get off that horse!!!!! Mary Dalton was not amused that she could not wear a dress today and that she also could not wear a bow. She wanted to stick the bow on her hat ~ how I love that girl! :)
She had Whiteny Sue were so precious! Last night, MDD kept reading her sash and saying "graduate" (verb) not graduate (noun) ~ we had this LONG discussion about phonics rules and she REALLY wanted to be right, but when I taught her parts of speech ~ she agreed I was right! whoohooo! One for Mama! :D

Quick wardrobe change and off to a field trip they went! As soon as they took their caps off, they both stuck their bows in their hair! ha!

I almost cried when I saw my girls all dressed in their caps and gowns! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my seniors! Aren't they all so pretty??? And they are just as sweet as they are pretty! This has been one of my favorite groups I have EVER taught and I will miss them sooo much! I went along for their pics and was their personal photographer! ha! I took pics. for several of the girls ~ and some for myself too!
This was their fun pose ~ and trust me ~ they are a LOT of fun! and if you knew them ~ each of the poses they are doing is so "them!" They make EVERY day so much fun and keep me on my toes! I am so proud of them and look forward to watching them grow into adults!
We are now REALLY on the countdown until graduation! I am gonna miss these guys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is hysterically funny! Addie was EQUALLY as disturbed that she could not wear a bow under her cap. I put a rhinestone horse barrette in her hair and that managed to satisfy her!

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