Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prom 2011

Last night was Prom at our school ~ TJA goes ALL OUT for a Prom! These kids (and parents!) have been re-designing the gym for 10 days and it was one the prettiest proms I have seen! Usually, the kids are really excited about going to the "grand march" but JDD was NOT looking forward to this one little bit! MDD was excited until she found out that she would have to come to prom with a boy ~ then, she decided she was no longer a fan of prom! ;)

Let me say ~ TJA has some of the PRETTIES girls! I swear, I do not teach an ugly one! :) They are so pretty and they all looked beautiful last night!

The kids with Carlie (car-key as JDD used to call her!) ~ Don't you think she would be a good Cinderella??? She has got that pose DOWN! Love this sweet girl!

Mary Dalton and sweet Anna ~

Jackson getting loved on by chelsey ~ LOVED her hair ~ how cute is that??
Pretty Katy ~ she went with us to see Taylor Swift when Mary Dalton was 4. She has grown up so much and looks like a lady now! She was stunning in this white dress!!
Mary Dalton was LOVING "alli cobb's" shoes ~ I was too ~ wish I could find me a pair! ;)
We also ran into Mary Dalton's FAVORITE girl ~ Madison!
It was a fun night with pretty girls and handsome boys ~ I know much too soon it will be MY babies going to Prom! Not too sure how I feel about that!

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