Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Annuak Easter Egg Hunt

Today was my FAVORITE day of the year! Our annual Easter egg hunt! I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about Easter and we have hosted an egg hunt at our farm for 5 years now!

We were supposed to have it on Saturday, but it was moved to Sunday because of the weather.

Jackson and his handsome Daddy! :) My sweet, sweet girl! We had a full crew and the kids had SO much fun! Our children are blessed beyond measure in the friend department!
Jackson and his future wife ~ Livi ~ who agreed to move to the north pole and be an elf with him when they grow up ~I love 5 year olds! ;)

we always take a family picture by the pond every year ~ DDD always hold MD and I hold JD ~ wonder how many more years this will happen? :(

These kids out to sleep GOOD tonight! They jumped and jumped and jumped some more ~ then slid, and slid, and slid some more!
The Easter bunny even made an appearance!
And who can resist the cute rabbit???
After the hunt ~ Jackson and Livi were counting their eggs and eating LOTS of candy!
We had SUCH A good time! It's funny how "a good time" changes ~ we used to enjoy going out to dinner, sleeping until 9 or 10, deciding at 8 p.m. to go to a movie, packing up and going on a last minute weekend get away ~ now we love watching our children play, laughing with other parents who are as exhausted as we are, listening to laughter, wiping mouths after eating lots of candy and way too many cupcakes, and watching our children grow up right before our eyes!

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends that joined us today and we look forward to MANY more Easter egg hunts with them! :)

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