Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday ~

And was it ever! I can NOT get out of bed these past few weeks ~ longer daylight hours, mean a later bedtime and it is really catching up with me! We are worn out and so are the kids! I put them to bed at 7:30 tonight ~ they did not even need a nightlight it was so bright out! I am trying to prevent meltdown mode which follows after a week or so of staying up late!

Mary Dalton lost ANOTHER tooth today! She "saved" this one for her teacher to pull so she could get one of the cool certificates from school! ;) smart girl! This makes #6 for her! I videoed her reading her a letter she wrote to the fairy and will try to get it uploaded tomorrow.

Jackson wrote a book at school today and he was SOOO proud! It was about our transgender cat ~ Sunny. The book is too funny and I will try to post pics of his creations tomorrow as well!

**Sidenote: i assumed sunny was a boy ~ he, or she, is now pregnant! kids are super pumped, me...yeah, not so much!

We don't have tons going on this week, but I am SUPER excited about spending Easter at the cabin ~ dying eggs, eating, fishing, reading, and RELAXING!

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