Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011 ~ and LOTS of it! :)

We started our Easter fun by packing up and heading to the cabin on Thursday! The kids had school on Friday ~ here in GA we don't get Good Friday off??

Here they are all ready for their PARTIES and EGG HUNTS!

Mary Dalton was soooo excited that her Daddy was taking the day off to take her to her egg hunt and then to spend the afternoon with us!
We have a great PTO at our school and they sponsored a breakfast with the Easter bunny!

MDD got a crybaby gumball from the bunny ~ yuck-o!

She had a great time at her party and WON the hoola hoop competition for the girls! She was super excited about that!

I went with Jackson's class to his party! He was ON those eggs ~ he was not so excited when the parents divided the eggs up so everyone had an equal number...his quote, "Then why in the world did I even run? I could have just sat there and still got the same number." Yes, he is a thinker!

Jax with his loot BEFORE the great divide! ;)

The party was so much fun! They played games, made a craft and had lunch ~ but his favorite part was the zip line! He is dying for one now!

Back at the farm, there was LOTS of outside time! Digging, running, fishing, gator riding, playdough, egg dying ~ Their bath water was SOOOO GROSS each night, but they had a BLAST!

MDD "digging to China!"

This was our favorite time ~ we all loaded up and went fishing!

I am so blessed to have these 3!

And I had the biggest fish for awhile! :) Jackson caught his very first fish fishing all by himself off the bank ~ I will post LOTS of pics of that later! ;)

On Saturday a.m. ~ we headed to the egg hunt at the Methodist church ~ JDD was not amused...he was over hunting eggs and the whole bunny at this point!

The group ~

JDD was excited about the monkey bars ~ he can cross these like a champ!

We headed back to the cabin for some more fun ~ dying eggs!

Later that night, we did the Resurrection eggs ~ Mary Dalton could read the story, but they both knew the story well. It was so sweet to hear them telling each other about the death, burial and resurrection.

Then we cooked our fish ~ along with homefries and onion rings ~ can you say small heart attack on a plate but was it EVER good! :)

This morning, the kids were super excited to see what the Easter bunny left in the loft of the cabin for them!

They both got books and that was their favorite thing! ;) No candy at all ~ the bunny got a memo that they had PLENTY already! Check out that hair ~ I need a medal for fixing that everyday! ha!

We headed to SS and church ~ and were EARLY I might add! :) We had a great service and then Dalton grilled salmon for lunch. We enjoyed the pretty afternoon outside, then headed back home to get ready for the week!

I love Easter! It is my VERY favorite holiday ~ but you know what I love even more?? The fact that Jesus IS ALIVE and He is coming back for me ~ hopefully sooner than later! I am so thankful to serve a RISEN Savior and have eternal life through Him!

Happy Easter!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with Jackson on that! Boooo for wealth redistribution!!

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