Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We've Been to the Zoo ~

My K5 girlie has been PUMPED about the annual K5 zoo trip since August!

She was sweet enough to let her little brother tag along!

The zoo was pretty crowded, we tried to go opposite of the "flow" ~ I don't

do well with crowds, not to mention HUNDREDS of children on field trips with a couple of teachers left to watch them.

I cannot IMAGINE EVER sending my children on a field trip to a "big" place without me or Dalton! There were children EVERYWHERE and they were not very well behaved, I promise I corrected no less than 50 children who weren't my own today....the teacher in me could not resist....

Jackson and Whitney Sue walked like this a good part of the day ~ how sweet is that???

See those boys walking toward us...notice no chaperone! uhhh!!
The kids LOVED the reptile exhibits ~ alligators and snakes were their favorite!
I was so worried Jackson was going to go over one of these fences!
Good thing Clair had a good hold on him! :)

Sallie Ann went with us too! She took her state nursing boards on Monday and found out today that she passed! :) We are SO proud of her!

The highlight of the day was dip-n-dots!

I could eat my weight in these things!

For FOUR dollars the children each got a wad of cabbage to feed the giraffes ~ this is when I was about to use my best teacher voice and get all those hoodlums in a line! ha!

How NASTY is his tongue??? I was really surprised that Mary Dalton wanted to feed him!


Clairissa's sweet parents met us there and were so kind to buy all the kids a jumbo pencil ~ the things that make them happy! My 2 have played with theirs all afternoon!

It was a very long day, but a fun day!

We have got a pretty busy schedule from here on until May 27th (graduation)! My calendar is booked and somedays double booked!

May is one busy month ~ but what it brings is WELL worth it ~

JUNE!!! :)

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