Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Again!!!

I can remember thinking the weekend would NEVER get here ~ now it seems it is

ALWAYS the weekend! Time is just flying by! I guess that means that I am getting old!

A couple of weeks ago, Haley Lamb, a photographer from Augusta came to Jefferson County for some mini photo sessions. I helped her work everything out and she was so kind to give me a great deal on the session! How sweet are these babies????

We still have not seen Sunny's kittens, but she comes home everyday to eat!

Yesterday, the kids dressed the poor cat up! No wonder she doesn't want to bring her babies here! ha! You can ONLY imagine how pleased Priss was! :)
I love how little girls (well, most of them) just have maternal instincts. I can remember when I was little packing diaper bags, packing a doll on my hip EVERYWHERE we went, rocking my dolls, etc. Mary Dalton is the same way!
Yesterday, she came downstairs to feed her baby and had her bow in her doll's hair!
As you know, I LOVED that! :)

This week was calm compared to what we have coming! Starting on Tuesday, we will be going in 500 directions! I am hoping to enjoy this weekend and relax before we are bombarded with so many things to do!

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